" The Commercial Boat Regulation in the Year of Yuan Feng" is the first international trade reg- ulation in Chinese history. Su Shi, who had been the mayor of Hang Zhou as well as the ministry of rituals, has recorded the revision and improvement process of this regulation in some of his official reports, and he has made some contribution in forming and improving this regulation incorporated with some of his own practice of administration. Although during this legislation process for promoting international trade, Su Shi has applied a feudalist principle of discrimination between Chinese and foreigners, official and civic, he also recognized that the international trade must obey the national security, must be regulated, should be fair, realistic, and bene- fit both sides. He also considers the international trade must focus on people' s welfare and interests, persist on the idea of sustainable development, etc. These ideas are still relevant even in today.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
Su Shi
The Commercial Boat Regulation in the Year of Yuan Feng