目的 :了解相同图形选择测验在注意缺陷多动障碍儿童中的应用。方法 :对符合DSM -Ⅳ注意缺陷多动障碍的 113名儿童与 83名正常对照儿童用自编的相同图形选择测验进行对照研究 ,并进行多元逐步判别分析。结果 :ADHD混合型和多动冲动为主型儿童的平均错误次数明显多于正常对照组 ,而第一次平均选择的反应时间较对照组少 ,混合型儿童的平均选对时间较对照组短 ,逐步判别分析发现判别正确率66 8%。结论 :相同图形选择测验可作为ADHD儿童冲动控制障碍的辅助评定工具。
Objective:To explore the applicability of MFFT (matching f am iliar figures test) in children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disor der) Method:One hundred and thirteen boys with ADHD (DSM-IV cr i teria) and eighty-three normal boys matched by age were assessed with self-desig ned MFFT Boys with ADHD were further divided into three subgroups: hyperactive - impulsive type (n=25), inattention type (n=54) and combined type (n=34) Results:Compared with normal control, boys of combined type and hyperact ive-impulsive type had shorter latency in first response and had more errors B o ys had shorter time to get correct answer than control Step-wise analysis show ed that the rate of correct classification of MFFT was 66 8% Conclusio n: MFFT is applicable in boys with ADHD and can be a useful tool in assist of diagnosis
Chinese Mental Health Journal
国家自然科学基金资助 (项目号 39770 2 77)