Haruki Murakami's works are closely with Japanese literature, known as Japan's 80s literature bearer. His works has broken away from the topic of world war Ⅱ, the Japanese scholars lightsome style is novel, conforms to the trend of The Times, also known as the first pure "writers after the world war Ⅱ period". His work in China, Japan, and throughout the eastern and western world have attracted the attention of numerous scholars, these are enough to show that he is a hot writer. From the long literature is not difficult to find a lot of scholars to study the value of literature from the perspective of globalization, but as the growth of Japanese culture atmosphere Haruki Murakami, to explore its cultural value and cannot do without for the study of Japanese literature history. This paper will put aside before perspective, briefly talks about the characteristics of Haruki Murakami's works, and expounds the internal relations between them, and explores the dynamic relationship between them and Japanese modern literature by combing Haruki Murakami On the understanding and understanding of Japanese literature, this paper.
Haruki Murakami
Japanese modern literature
internal relations