FUPING County,Shaanxi Province achieved a higher crop output during the summer and autumn harvest seasons of 2016after applying a new technique.It resulted in a 120 kg per mu(1 mu=0.067hectare)increase in wheat(a growth of around 30 percent),and a 190 kg per mu increase in corn planted on the same piece of land(with a growth of 34 per-
FUPING County, Shaanxi Prov- ince achieved a higher crop output during the summer and autumn harvest seasons of 2016after applying a new technique. It re- suited in a 120 kg per mu (1 /7ltt =0.067 hectare) inerease in wheat (a growth of around 30 percent), and a 190 kg per mu increase in corn planted on the same piece of land (with a growth of 34 per-cent). Other places, including Gaomi City in Shandong Province, Guyuan County, Hebei Province.