
从强制到自愿:公安政策工具的创新与适用 被引量:1

From Compulsoriness to Voluntariness:Innovation and Application of Policy Instruments in the Public Security
摘要 政策工具是政策的构成要素之一,政策工具选择正确与否对政策能否达到预期目标至关重要。一直以来,公安政策工具倾向于使用传统强制性工具,主要包括管制、直接提供、强制性措施。这些强制性公安政策尽管有许多优点,但也有缺乏灵活性、抑制社会活力,容易引发社会抵触情绪,产生官(警)民冲突以及容易滋生特权及权力寻租现象等弊端。因此,在新的历史条件下,创新公安政策工具,在公安改革的过程中积极采用自愿性的公安政策工具不仅有助于提高公安政策的执行力,而且是完善与推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的客观需要。自愿性公安政策工具主要有家庭与社区、志愿者服务、签约外包、公私伙伴关系、市场。选择和适用这些公安政策工具,必须以有利于实现公安政策目标为基本标准,注意政策工具自身的特征及其适用的环境,遵循政策工具选择及适用的合理程序。 The policy instrument is one of the elements of policy, and whether or not we can choose the right policy instrument is crucial to the success of the policy. As for the policy instruments in the public security, they tend to be traditionally compulsory all the time, such as control, direct provision and mandatory measures. Al-though these compulsory policy instruments have many advantages, some drawbacks still exist: lacking flexibility, inhibiting social vitality, being likely to cause the social resentment, the conflict between the officers (the police) and the public, and the phenomenon of privileges and power rent-seeking, etc. Therefore, in the new historical conditions, the policy instruments in the public security need to be innovated to be voluntary ones, which is be-lieved to improve the execution of public security policy, and to improve and promote the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity in the process of the public security reform. Those voluntary policy in-struments can mainly include the family, the community, the volunteer service, the outsourcing contract, the pub- lie-private partnership and the market. And when selecting and applying those voluntary policy instruments, we must make it a basic standard to advance the realization of public security policy, must pay special attention to the characteristics of policy instruments and their application environment, and must follow the reasonable procedures of choosing and applying the policy instruments.
作者 谢子传
出处 《福建警察学院学报》 2016年第6期1-8,共8页 Journal of Fujian Police College
关键词 公安政装政策工具 强制性 自愿性 创新 public security policy policy instruments compulsoriness voluntariness innovation
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