主要介绍了一款基于消息通信的中间件软件——The Cocklebur Network,即Tcn中间件的设计与实现。该系统具有以下特点:多进程模型、预先创建子进程机制,提高系统响应速度;编程API简单易用,都是围绕Tcn软件中专有的协议——Tcn协议展开,可运用标准的C语言库函数与头文件进行各种应用服务的开发;Tcn设计并实现了通过动态库与静态链接两种方式加载用户服务;同时此款软件还支持文件传输、负载均衡等功能。经过LoadRunner测试,该软件有较好的性能,可以满足大多数企业需要。
This paper describes the design and implementation of a middleware—The Cocklebur Network based on message communication. The system has the following characteristics: multi-process model,pre-created child process mechanism,which can improve system response speed;programming API is easy to use,they use Tcn software protocol to work and can use standard C library functions and header files for development of applications and services; Tcn designs and implements two ways( dynamic library and static links) to load user services; at the same time this software also supports file transfer,load balancing and other functions. After LoadRunner testing,the software has a good performance to meet the needs of most businesses.
Huo Changjuan Sun Hongping~(Accounting Center of China Aviation, Beijing 100028, China The Company of Beijing Gao Yang Jin Xin, Beijing 100050, China)
Microcomputer & Its Applications