以上海石化股份公司水质净化厂二级处理出水为处理对象 ,采用悬浮填料生物膜法、混凝沉淀、快速砂滤和低压电场杀菌工艺 ,获得了很好的试验效果 ,CODcr的平均去除率达 5 0 .0 %,NH3- N达 86 .5 %,SS达 93.7%,杀菌率高达 99%以上 。
The combined processes of suspended carrier biofilm process,coagulation/flocculation,settling,rapid sand filter and microelectrolytic disinfection were used in the advanced treatment of the secondary treatment effluent from wastewater treatment plant in Shanghai Petrochemical Share Co.Ltd.Results showed that the removal rate of 50.0% for COD cr 86.5% for NH 3-N,93.7% for SS,more than 95% for the death of microorganisms,respectively,had been obtained and the effluent from the last process completely came to the standard of water reuse.
Chongqing Environmental Science