4 Summary and conclusion The JOULE sounding rocket 1 experiment was carried out at Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska around 1200 UT on March 27th,2003 with two instrumented rockets and one chemical tracer rocket.From the released TMA trails,neutral wind measurements from approximately 85 to 160 km altitude showed a vertically propagating wave and a jet structure around 120 km altitude.Large shears appeared at the bottom side of the jet with Richardson numbers close to or smaller than the critical value of 0.25,which implies the possible existence of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities caused by the vertical shear in the fast flows.
supported by the National Science Foundation(NSF)(Grant No.ATM0955629)
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)(Grant Nos.NNX13AD64G and NNX14AD46G)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research(AFOSR)(Grant Nos.FA9550-16-1-0059 and MURI FA9559-16-1-0364)