
量子意识视域下的《夏伯阳与虚空》的后现代空间叙事 被引量:4

Postmodern Space Narrative of Chapaevand Void from the Perspective of Quantum Consciousness
摘要 在维克多·佩列文的后现代主义经典之作《夏伯阳与虚空》中,其多时空交错的结构和碎片化叙述,是这部后现代主义小说引起学界普遍关注的重要特征之一。若从量子力学的角度考量,这些繁复的时空交错和碎片化叙述,其实只显现出两种空间维度的本质,即现实空间和非现实空间,它们具有不确定性和相对性。"现实空间"指的是当下的空间载体,是意识主体临时寄居的客观的空间场所,具有短暂的真实性。"非现实空间"是相对于"现实空间"的"意识空间",指的是在当下的现实空间中,意识主体的精神场域,也可以说是意识主体临时的记忆空间,具有短暂的虚幻性,它们始终处于"迭加"与"坍缩"的动态隐含和凸显之中。本文尝试运用后现代主义空间理论、量子力学原理及量子心理学对这一现象进行探究,考察游移在两个空间维度中的书中人在空间迷失下的身份、信仰和精神的迷失状态,以及作者对当代俄罗斯的命运和俄罗斯的精神归属问题的深度思考。 Chapaeu and Void is the classic work of Russian modernism by Victor Pelevin, and its spacetime staggered structure and fragmented narrative narrative are important features which have been widely given attention in academia. If considered from the perspective of quantum mechanics, the complicated spatio-temporal crisscross and fragmented narrative, in fact, only show the nature of the two dimensions of space, namely real space and unreal space, and they have both uncertainty and relativity. "Real space" refers to the current space carrier, which is the objective space place of the consciousness subject, which has a short authenticity. Compared with "real space", "unreal space" is a kind of "conscious space", which is the spiritual field of the consciousness subject in the current real space, and in other words, it is the temporary memory space of the the consciousness subject with brief illusion. "Real space" and "unreal space" are always in implicit and highlighting relationships of "superposition" and "collapse". This essay attempts to use the postmodern space theory, the principles of quantum mechanics and quantum psychology to explore this phenomenon, and to study characters' mentality of loss of identity, belief and spirit in the space of two dimensions, and to review the author's deep thinking about the fate of contemporary Russia and Russia's spiritual adscription.
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2017年第1期29-36,共8页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 傅星寰所主持的国家社科基金项目<俄罗斯文学"莫斯科文本"与"彼得堡文本"研究>(项目号:14BWW027) 教育部人文社科一般项目<作为完整的艺术系统的"莫斯科-彼得堡"题材研究>(项目号:12YJA752007)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 夏伯阳与虚空 后现代 空间理论 量子意识 Cbapaev and Vold Postmodern Space Theory Quantum Consciousness
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