根据IEC 61000-4-4:2012推荐的数学表达式,在时域和频域上分析了电快速瞬变脉冲群的干扰机理。采用基于光纤传输的瞬态电磁场测量系统对电快速脉冲群试验辐射场强进行了测试评估。给出了容性耦合夹水平面0~200 cm和垂直方向0~50 cm(在坐标为50 cm处和100 cm处)的辐射场强分布。
to the mathematical expression recommended by IEC 61000-4-4 2012, the interfence meehanism of EFT/B both in lime and frequency domain analyzed. The radiated field strength was evaluated by the transient dectromagnetic field measurement system based on optical fiber transmission. The distribution of the maximum field strength is presented along the plane of clamp in horizon direction (0-200 cm) and vertical diction (0-50 cm) at the point 50 cm and 100 cm. The measurement re.suits are analyzed and some distorted waveforms and data were eliminated.