
中国东南亚政治研究的反思与建构 被引量:3

Studies of Southeast Asian Politics in China:Reflection and Construction
摘要 改革开放以来,中国学术界对东南亚政治的研究经历了起步(1979—1999)和快速发展(2000—2016)两个阶段,目前我国有超过10个以上的实体性东南亚研究机构及数百名学者从事东南亚政治的研究。通过对这两个阶段关于东南亚政治研究的专著、学术论文和学位论文进行检索和分析后发现,我国学者对东南亚政治的研究视角、研究领域和研究深度在2000年以后都有了长足的发展,但也存在研究数量和质量不平衡、理论和方法论水平不高,以及对东南亚各国政局现状和发展趋势的研判不够准确等不足。提高研究人员的理论素养、同时掌握对象国语言与英语、借鉴新的研究方法、实现与国际学术界的接轨是提升我国东南亚政治研究水平的路径。 Since the reform and opening-up period,China's studies of Southeast Asian politics has experienced the beginning period(1979—1999) and rapid development period(2000—2016).At present,there are more than ten Southeast Asian research institution entities and hundreds of scholars focusing on Southeast Asian politics in China.The author has two major findings after searching and analyzing the books,academic papers,master's theses and Ph.D.dissertations during the two periods mentioned above.On the one hand,Chinese scholars have made obvious progress in terms of research perspectives,research scope and depth since 2000.On the other hand,there are still such deficiencies as the imbalances between quantity and quality,lowlevel theories and methodologies,and inaccurate judgements and predications about the current political situation and development trend of Southeast Asian countries.In order to promote the studies of Southeast Asian politics in China,Chinese scholars shall enhance their grasp of theories,master English and the language of the target country,borrow new research methods,and meet the standards of international academia.
作者 李晨阳
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期134-148,共15页 The Journal of International Studies
基金 广西大学中国-东盟研究院重大课题“东南亚五国政治研究”的中期成果
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