
网络场域、文化认同与劳工关注社群 基于话题模型与社群侦测的大数据分析 被引量:27

Network Fields,Cultural Identities and Labor Rights Communities:Big Data Analytics with Topic Model and Community Detection
摘要 基于"网络与文化"和关系社会学的理论,本文指出网络场域与所沟通的文化内容之间存在互构关系。本文使用话题模型分析了关注劳工议题的用户所发布的51 288条博文,结果显示,劳工话题大致涉及以下几方面:文化与公益、工人的困境与问题、维权行动与工人组织、制度与劳工权。对用户间互动模式的社群侦测揭示了5个主要社群,结合社群关注的议题,作者将其称为:工人家园社群、工人维权社群、工人文化社群、劳工制度关注社群、工人权益关注社群。本文进一步指出劳工研究领域的两个新趋势:(1)随着新生代工人群体的壮大,工人文化与城市融入等议题受到较多关注;(2)微博促进研究者与劳工组织的互动,在一定程度上有助于后者从制度层面反思工人的境况。最后,本文讨论了大数据分析在网络文化与社会心态研究中的应用。 The Weibo platform is a social space for interaction and expression. It requires scholars to simultaneously examine communication patterns and communicated content among Weibo users. Based on theories of "network and culture" and relational sociology, this article contends that network fields and the communicated cultural meanings are mutually constituted. The author used Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)topic model and social network analysis techniques to examine 51 288 Weibo posts published by users concerned for labor rights. This article reveals the relationship between community structures and community focal topics. Specifically, the result of LDA topic modeling shows that the focal topics regarding labor issues can be categorized into four groups, namely workers' culture and welfare, predicaments and problems, strikes (rights defending actions) and labor organizations, social institutions, and labor rights. Analysis of interaction patterns among users resulted in five major online communities. Based on the primary topics within communities, these five communities workers' homes in cities, community could be labeled as~ community for for workers' culture, community for workers' rights protection actions, community for workers' rights and interests,and community for labor institutions. The results also showed two new trends in relation to labor issues for one,labor culture and its integration into urban life have garnered increasing online attention with the growth of new generation workers for another, the Weibo platform provides an interaction channel for labor researchers and labor NGOs, and such interaction facilitates the latter to critically reflect the current conditions or plights of workers from an institutional/structural perspective. This article concludes with a discussion about the significance of utilizing big data analytics to study online culture and social mentality.
作者 黄荣贵
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期26-50,共25页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 国家社科基金(12CSH043) 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院研究基金的支持~~
关键词 劳工NGO 大数据 话题模型 互动社群 社会网络分析 labor NGO, big data, topic model, interaction communities, socialnetwork analysis
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