
美国基础教育信息化的现状和启示 被引量:19

Implications Draw from the Current Situation of ICT in K-12 Education in the U.S.
摘要 美国高度重视信息技术在基础教育中的作用,连续五次发布《国家教育技术计划》,并推出一系列行动计划,让美国成为世界上基础教育信息化程度最高的国家之一。该文对美国基础教育信息化的背景和进程、信息化基础设施建设、混合与在线教育、信息化教学应用、教师信息技术能力培训进行了较为全面、系统的介绍,以期为我国基础教育信息化的发展提供经验借鉴。 The United States attaches great importance to the role of information technology in K-12 education. It has issued five National Educational Technology Plans and launched a series of initiatives and programs, which make the United States most advanced in the development of ICT in K-12 education. In this paper, we give a complete introduction on the background and progress, information infrastructure, blended and online education, technology enhanced instruction, and teacher training about ICT in K-12 education in the U.S. This paper also offers five practical implications to the development of ICT in K-12 Education in China.
作者 胡永斌 龙陶陶 Hu Yongbin Long Taotao(School of Smart Education, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116 Trefny Innovative Instruction Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden Colorado 80401)
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期36-43,共8页 China Educational Technology
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2015年度教育部重点课题"智慧学习环境促进教师卓越发展研究"(课题编号:DCA150241)研究成果
关键词 教育信息化 基础教育 教师培训 信息化教学 混合学习 ICT in Education K-12 Education Teaching Training Digital Learning Blended Learning
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  • 4[18]英文名称为"Competitive Neutrality",这里的意思是"universal service support mechanisms and rules neither unfairly advantage nor disadvantage one provider over another, and neither unfairly favor nor disfavor one technology over another". 通过这个原则, 将"to facilitate a market- based process whereby each user comes to be served by the most efficient technology and carrier".
  • 5[19]英文名称为"Forward-Looking Economic Cost Mechanism".
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  • 7[22]几个影响因素主要有"subscribershiplevel,local calling area,consumerincomelevels,cost of living and population density,legitimate local variations in rate design"等.
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