
强心药在心力衰竭应用中的再评价 被引量:2

Reassessment of cardiotonic drugs in heart failure
摘要 强心药分为洋地黄和非洋地黄药物两类,在200余年的心力衰竭治疗过程中,强心药曾经被作为首选药物,但其对于远期预后影响的循证医学证据不够充分,许多临床试验及事后分析对强心药的远期疗效进行评价,结果颇具争议。由于缺乏循证医学证据的支持,目前强心药物已做为心力衰竭治疗中的最后选择。 Cardiotonic drugs are divided into two categories of digitalis and non-digitalis drugs.Cardiotonic drugs have been used as the first choice drugs in the treatment of heart failure for more than 200 years.However,their evidence for long-term prognosis is not sufficient.Many clinical trials and post hoc analysis of the long-term efficacy of cardiotonic drugs to evaluate,the results are controversial.Due to the lack of evidence-based support,cardiotonic drugs have been used as the final choice in the treatment of heart failure.
作者 赵国炎 孙跃民 Zhao Guoyan Sun Yuemin(Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300052,Chin)
出处 《临床荟萃》 CAS 2017年第3期189-192,207,共5页 Clinical Focus
关键词 强心药 地高辛 洋地黄属 心力衰竭 指南 cardiotonic drugs digoxin digitalis heart failure guidebooks
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