

Investigation on mutation frequency of PIK3CA gene in gastric carcinoma and its hot spot mutation model
摘要 目的:研究胃癌组织中PIK3CA基因突变频率及热点突变模式。方法:抽取患者的组织DNA,检测胃癌PIK3CA基因突变。结果:160例胃癌标本中有48例出现了胃癌PIK3CA基因突变(30.00%),其中第9外显子有27例突变(56.25%),第20外显子和第7外显子分别有14例和7例突变(29.17%、14.58%)。结论:PIK3CA基因突变频率30.00%且热点突变集中。 Objective:To explore the mutation frequency of PIK3CA gene in gastric carcinoma and its hot spot mutation model. Meth0ds:The mutation detection of DNA and PIK3CA gene was conducted, and the data was compared and analyzed. Results:There were 48 cases of mutation of PIK3CA gene presented among 160 cases, and the mutation rate was 30.00 % (48/160). The mutation occurred in 27 cases, and the mutation cluster region was the ninth exon, which accounted for 56.25 % of the total sample. In addition, there were 14 cases and 7 cases of mutation in the twentieth and seventh exon, respectively, accounting for 29.17 % and 14.58 %. Conclusions:The mutation frequency of PIK3CA gene in gastric cancer was up to 30.00 % and the hot spots of mutation were concentrated.
作者 邹伟 张欢
出处 《包头医学院学报》 CAS 2017年第3期91-92,共2页 Journal of Baotou Medical College
关键词 胃癌组织 PIK3CA基因 频率 模式 Gastric carcinoma PIK3 CA gene Frequency Model
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