针对SSL VPN协议中密钥分配存在安全隐患的问题,采用Openssl和Wireshark抓包软件,对SSL协议以及密钥管理的安全性进行了分析。针对分析的结果,提出采用量子密钥分配技术解决SSL VPN密钥分配过程中安全隐患问题,尽可能少的对原协议的修改,通过对密钥的获取和替换,给出合理的实现方案,提高数据传输的安全性。
The security socket layer virtual private network ( SSL VPN) key distribution has security flaws. The Openssl and Wireshark are adopted to analyze the safety of the key management of the SSL protocol. Quantum key distribution is proposed in view of the result analysis to solve the problem of safety problems in the process of SSL VPN key distribution by obtaining and replaceing the key with as little as possible modifications to the original agree- ment, thus improving the security of data transmission.
Electronic Science and Technology