
中韩双边贸易利得衡量——基于增加值贸易视角 被引量:5

The Measurement Gains of China-Korea Bilateral Trade:Based on the View of Value-added Trade
摘要 使用世界投入产出表,利用增加值贸易体系测度了1995 2011年的中韩双边贸易,并对中韩双边贸易额按价值含量来源和最终吸收地进行了分解。结果表明,在中韩双边贸易中,以中间产品贸易为主,最终产品贸易为辅;两国在不同行业价值链分工中呈现不同的分工和利益分配格局,在部分技术密集型行业的贸易竞争性逐渐增强;随着国际生产分工体系的日益深化,更多的国家参与到中韩双边贸易中来,贸易利益的分配要在越来越多的国家之间进行。因此提升对韩技术密集型产品的出口获利能力,以提高中国的国际分工地位是改善中国不利贸易利益分配格局的关键所在。 According to the world input-output table, this paper decomposes the China-Korea bilateral trade flows and value content from 1995 to 2011, based on the final flow and the source of value. The results show that the China-Korea bilateral trade concentrates in the intermediate products trade, the final product trade is a supplement. The two countries have different divisions of labor and benefit distribution in different industry in the global value chain division, and there has been growing competitiveness in some high-tech industries. With the continuous deepening of the global value chain division of labor, more countries to participate in bilateral trade between China and South Korea, and trade interests need to be shared among a growing number of countries. Therefore, it is the key to improve China's export profitability and improve its international division of labor to improve the distribution pattern of China's unfavorable trade interests.
作者 吕冠珠 张宏 LV Guan-zhu ZHANG Hong(School of Economics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, P. R. China)
出处 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期134-140,共7页 Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国战略资产获取型对外直接投资与产业竞争优势升级研究"(14BGJ043)
关键词 价值链分工 增加值贸易 价值增值 价值含量分解 Value chain specialization Trade in value added Value added Value content decomposition
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