
社交媒体语境下风险议题的建构与转向——以山东问题疫苗事件为例 被引量:6

Construction and Steering of Risk Issues in Social Media Context——A Study Case of Shandong Vaccine Incident
摘要 [目的/意义]多元复杂的社会矛盾往往伴随着不可测的舆论风险,在社交媒体的语境下发酵迭变,引发反向社会情绪,产生不安定因素。研究风险议题在社交媒体中的演变过程,对于规避风险、优化风险传播效果具有积极意义。[方法/过程]以2016年3月爆发的"山东问题疫苗事件"为案例,通过对事发两周内新浪微博文本进行分析,探讨风险议题的形成、转向和消解以及情绪在风险议题传播中的作用机制。[结果/结论]分析发现,风险议题在舆论场中的演变是从失控到有序,从情绪化到理性克制,情绪的放大和传染抑制了社会理性,割裂了社会信任。尽管媒体仍旧是此次风险的定义者,但社交媒体实现了对公众的赋权。面对舆情风险,风险主体应根据风险事件的特性,及时有效回应,结合社交媒体传播特点调整和改善传播方式,提升公众媒介素养、科学素养及情绪管理水平,从而优化风险传播效果。 [ Purpose/Significance] The multiple and complicated social contradictions are often accompanied with the risk of unpredictable public opinion. In the context of social media, the formation of negative social emotions, resulting in unstable factors. Research on the evolution process of risk issues on social media, has a positive significance for the avoidance of risk and the optimization of the effect of risk communication. [ Method/Process J This paper chooses the Shandong vaccine incident in March 2016 as a case, taking Sina Microblog within two weeks as main research object, studies the formation, steering and dissolved of the risk issues, and the mechanism of emotional communication in the risk issue. [ Result/Conclusion] The paper finds that the evolution of risk issues in the field of public opinion is shifting from incontrollable to orderly, from emotional to rational, the amplification and transmission of emotion restrain the social rationality, and destroy the social trust, even though the media is still the definer of the risk, but social media empower the public with voice. In the spread of risk issues, emotion within the risk as an important factor, has amplificated and infected, causes the suppression of social rationality and the collapse of social trust. Faced with the risk of public opinion, the risk subjects should get the particularity of risk events, response timely and effectively, adjust and improve the means of communication combined with social media features, enhance the public media literacy, scientific literacy and emotional management level, so as to optimize the risk communication effect.
作者 余红 马旭
机构地区 华中科技大学
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期79-85,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 "中央高校基本科研业务费"资助 华中科技大学文科创新团队媒介与文明团队成果
关键词 社交媒体 新浪微博 舆论场 风险议题 山东问题疫苗事件 Social media Sina Microblog Public opinion field Risk issues Shandong vaccine incident
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