
DON毒素与氟对大鼠骨及关节软骨的损伤作用 被引量:12

Experimental observation of articular cartilage impairment of rats by deoxynivalenol and fluorine
摘要 目的观察DON毒素与氟对大鼠骨、关节软骨和滑膜的损伤,探讨DON毒素与氟(F)的交互作用。方法 28日龄Wistar大鼠幼鼠50只,按照完全随机化方法分空白组、氟(F)组、DON毒素组、"DON+F"组、"DON+茶+F"组。F染毒各组饮用150 mg/L NaF去离子水溶液,空白组和DON毒素组饮用去离子水;DON毒素染毒各组按0.2μg/g DON毒素灌胃,空白组和F组用等量蒸馏水灌胃,每天灌胃1次;"DON+茶+F"组饮用由茶水溶解的150 mg/L NaF水溶液。喂养5周后,取双侧膝关节,进行X线拍片和组织病理切片。结果大鼠体格发育正常,关节无肉眼可见的异常改变,毛发有光泽,一般状态良好。X线显示,对照组骨及软骨无异常改变,骨密度正常,关节软骨面光滑无损伤,滑膜正常;DON组、F组及"DON+F"组均可见关节腔隙狭窄,关节面毛糙不整,硬化及骨赘形成等改变;F组可见骨皮质硬化、增生,骨膜增厚,有的出现骨小梁破坏和增生,还有的出现囊样变和局部骨密度增加;"DON+F"组病变较为严重;"DON+茶+F"组病变较DON组、F组和"DON+F"组轻。病理切片观察显示,对照组改变轻微或无改变;DON组、F组、"DON+F"组均可见关节软骨细胞变性及坏死,"DON+F"组病变严重,除可见软骨损伤外,还可见骨小梁的破坏,排列紊乱,局部出现密度增加或稀疏改变;"DON+茶+F"组病变相对轻微。结论 DON毒素和F可导致大鼠骨、关节软骨和滑膜损伤,DON与F具有交互作用。低氟茶或可在一定程度上减轻DON和F对骨软骨的损伤。 Objective To observe the effects of DON toxin and fluoride on bone, articular cartilage and synovium in rats, study on the interaction between DON toxin and F. Methods Fifty female rats divided randomly into 5 groups: control, F, DON, DON+F, and DON +F +Tea group. F, DON+F, and DON +F +Tea group, deionized solution of NaF was drunk with 150 rag/ L, control and DON group was drunk with deionized solution, DON +F +Tea group was drunk with tea; DON, DON +F, and DON +F +Tea group, deionized solution of DON was gavage with a dose of O. 2 p^g/g every day, control and F group, was garage wifh deionized solution every day. Specimen of articular cartilage were through imaging tests and pathology methods, after 5 weeks. Results General observations, normal physical development of rats, abnormal changes that are not visible to the naked eye, shiny hair, general state is good. X-ray signs: no abnormal changes of hone and cartilage in the control group, normal bone density, normal synovial, articular cartilage surface smooth without injury, DON, F and I)ON+F groups are visible to see joint gap stenosis, the rough articular surface, sclerosis and osteophyte formation and change. Cortical sclerosis, hyperplasia, thickening of periosteum, destruction and proliferation of trabecular bone, cystic degeneration and local bone mineral density increased in the F group. More severe lesions of DON+F group. The lesions in DON +F +Tea group were lighter than that in DON group and F group and DON+F group. Pathological section observation: the control group changed slightly or no change. Degeneration and necrosis of DON group and F group and DON+F group articular chondrocytes, severe of DON+F group. Slight of DON+F+ Tea group. Conclusions DON toxin and F can lead to injury of bone, articular cartilage and synovium in rats, F has an interac- tion with DON. Tea can alleviate the damage of DON and F to the bone cartilage to a certain extent.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第11期1201-1204,共4页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金课题(编号:81060228,81273155) 山东省自然科学基金课题(编号:ZR2012HL47)
关键词 DON毒素 骨软骨损伤 病理改变 交互作用 Deoxynivalenol Fluorine Osteochondral lesions Pathological changes Interaction
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