为更好地阐述滇池铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa in Dianchi Lake)需求低温的原因、增长与低温高温之间的关系等,对长期的藻春化作用研究所获得的成果进行了梳理、归纳、凝练、提升,形成了藻春化作用原理。在此基础上,对旧的藻春化作用基因控制模型(假说)进行了改进。滇池铜绿微囊藻春化作用原理是:(1)该藻生长活动对低温有需求;(2)休眠高温具有停止藻增长的作用,生长高温具有抑制藻增长的作用;(3)诱导低温能解除休眠高温对藻的休眠作用,解除生长高温对藻的抑制作用;(4)藻的休眠程度和被抑制程度与休眠高温、生长高温的强度、作用时间呈正相关;(5)诱导低温解除藻的高温休眠作用、抑制作用的时间与藻的休眠程度、被抑制程度呈正相关;(6)连续低温诱导可出现最大藻增长率;(7)最适诱导低温产生藻春化作用和解除藻高温休眠作用的时间最短;(8)在最高到最适诱导温度(14-10℃)之间,藻的高温休眠作用、抑制作用的解除效果随诱导低温的降低而增强、随低温作用时间的延长而增强;在最适到最低诱导温度(13-7℃)之间,藻的高温休眠作用、抑制作用的解除效果随诱导低温的降低而减弱、随低温作用时间的延长而增强。滇池铜绿微囊藻春化作用原理可为该藻暴发的数量预测与工程控制提供新的科学理论和研究方法。对旧基因控制模型的改进主要是对激活基因、激活蛋白的结构、功能的细化,对调结蛋白特性的调整,对不同的诱导低温、休眠高温等温度起作用时调节蛋白构象变化的细化。改进后的新模型能够更好地阐释诱导低温与休眠高温等交互作用的藻春化作用原理。
In order to explain the reason of the requirement of low temperature for Microcystis aeruginosa in Dianchi Lake and the relationship of algae growth between low and high temperature,the research results on vernalization in the algae were summarized and analyzed.After the research results were systematically summarized,the principle of vernalization in the algae was proposed while the gene model for controlling vernalization in the algae was improved.The mechanisms of vernalization in the algae are as follows:Algae in vernalization needs low temperatures in the growth,and the effects of low temperatures to different algae are also distinct;High temperature during dormancy can stop the growth of algae while high temperature during growth has inhibition effect on algae growth;The induced low temperature can relieve the adverse effect on algae growth that caused by high temperature that mentioned above;High growth temperature can decrease the vernalization of induced hypothermia,thus the algae grow slowly;The degree of dormancy or the degree of inhibition of algae is positively correlated with the strength and time of high dormant temperature or growth temperature;The time of induced hypothermia to release the effects on algae of the dormancy and inhibitory is positively correlated with the degree of the dormancy and the degree of the inhibition;In a period of time,the growth of algae is positively correlated with the time of induced hypothermia;From the highest to the optimum induced hypothermia,the growth of algae is positively correlated with the temperature and the time.The growth of algae is negatively correlated with the Lake;Cyclotella asterocostata temperature,but the growth of algae is positively correlated with the time.The old model was improved mainly through refining the activating genes and its function,the effects of temperature on the regulatory protein,and the effects of induced hypothermia on the allosteric regulatory protein,et al.The new model can explain the principle of vernalization in algal better.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
principle of vernalization in the algae
model of controlling gene
process of controlling gene
Microcystis aeruginosa in Dianchi