By using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (F - AHP method) , and through positive and nega- tive evaluation on 9 second level indexes of which water soundscape, wind soundscape, animal sounds- cape, recreation soundscape, artificial soundscape, rain noise, wind noise, thunder noise and artificial noise, and 19 third level indexes soundscape, this paper constructed the suburban forest park acoustic environment evaluation system. Took Fuzhou National Forest Park as an example, the influence of posi- tive and negative factors on forest park acoustic environment has been studied. The results showed that the forest park soundseape comprehensive evaluation result is good, IV; positive soundscape is good, IV; negative soundscape is poor, I; water soundscape, wind soundscape, animal soundscape and recreation soundscape are Good, IV; artificial soundscape, wind noise and ray noise are general, III; rain noise is poor, II; artificial noise is very poor, I. Therefore, this paper carried out suggestions for rational exploi- tation of natural soundseape resource, adjusting recreation soundscape, reducing noise etc.
Forest Inventory and Planning