
基于事件触发机制的核电站智能诊断专家系统置信规则库的研究 被引量:3

Research on Belief Rule Base of Intelligent Diagnosis Expert System Based on Event-triggering Mechanism in Nuclear Power Plant
摘要 为提高核电站故障诊断的准确性和及时性,提出采用以核电站主要设备运行参数的报警状态为事件的触发机制对核电站设备故障进行诊断,利用核电站相关运行参数的信息集合建立事件触发下的核电站智能诊断专家系统置信规则库,而构建规则库采用故障机理模型与核电模型等相结合的方式,即在故障引起的报警下进行描述故障的征兆集合提取、规则的表示和规则变量的设定。通过在核电模型中人为引入故障,利用基于事件触发机制的核电站智能诊断专家系统进行故障诊断。诊断结果表明,本系统诊断出的故障类型与在核电模型中引入的故障类型一致,验证了本系统诊断结果的准确性,证明了此规则库的有效性和可行性。 In orde ear power plant, parameters of the r to improve the accuracy and a event-triggering mechanism timeliness of the fault diagnosis in nucl- regarding the alarm status of operating main equipment as the triggering event was proposed for the fault diagnosis in this paper, and a belief rule base of intelligent diagnosis expert system based on event-triggering mechanism was established by using the set of information of the relevant operation parameters in nuclear power plant. The belief rule base was built by combining the failure mechanism model with the nuclear power plant model, namely extracting the symptoms which describe the faults, expressing rules and setting varia- bles of rules under the alarms caused by the faults. The faults were artificially inserted into the nuclear power plant model and diagnosed by the diagnostic system researched above. The diagnostic results show that the type of fault obtained from the diagnosticsystem matches with that inserted the accuracy of the diagnosis of this rule base. into the nuclear power plant model, which verifies system and proves the validity and feasibility of thisrule base.
作者 钱虹 马萃萃
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期485-493,共9页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室资助项目(04DZ05901)
关键词 事件触发机制 报警状态 专家系统 故障诊断 置信规则库 event-triggering mechanism alarm status expert system fault diagnosis belief rule base
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