为了探索早稻茬秋芝麻(Sesamum indicum)高效高产种植方式,研究了6种轻简化播种方式对芝麻出苗及产量和效益的影响。结果表明,早稻收割前撒播芝麻种子和肥料,随即机械化收割早稻并将秸秆粉碎还田,然后把叠放较厚的秸秆向周边均匀撒开,紧接着用旋耕机旋耕稻田,这一方式在秸秆还田的同时,又可保证田间芝麻基本苗,可获得较高的产量及较好的经济效益,在农业生产中值得推广。
To explore the high efficiency and high yield cultivation method of sesame after early rice, 6 kinds of light and simple cultivation methods were conducted in this experiment, and sesame seeding, yield as well as efficiency were analyzed.The results indicated the method that scattering sesame seed and fertilizer before rice harvest, rice straw returning followed and spreading evenly, and then rotating paddy fields with a rotary cultivator was the most suitable method in this study, it could ensure the seeding emergence, and got the high yield and efficiency, and was worth promoting in sesame production.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences