
跑台运动对高龄大鼠运动机能的改善作用 被引量:1

Treadmill training improves the age-related decrease of rat motor function
摘要 目的探讨大鼠运动机能随增龄的变化规律,以及运动对高龄大鼠运动机能的改善作用。方法对26月龄、8月龄和2月龄SD大鼠进行为期2周的中等强度跑台运动干预,测定大鼠运动前后前肢拉力、耐力、躯体向上活动能力及极限速度4个机能指标,进行对比分析。结果 126月龄大鼠组的前肢拉力、耐力、躯体向上活动能力、极限速度均显著低于8月龄组和2月龄组,且后3个指标呈现增龄性下降;226月龄和8月龄组的前肢拉力运动后高于运动前,8月龄组和2月龄组的躯体向上活动能力运动后高于运动前;3运动干预前后4项指标的运动机能总评分进行比较,26月龄组运动后显著高于运动前。结论大鼠的前肢拉力、耐力、躯体向上活动能力及极限速度等4项运动机能指标呈增龄性下降,可作为大鼠运动机能的衰老指标。中等强度的跑台运动能显著改善高龄大鼠总运动机能的下降。 Objective To analyze the changes in motor function during rat aging and explore whether treadmill training improves the age-related decrease of rat motor function. Methods 2-month-old,8-month-old and 26-month-old SD rats were used in this study. The motor function parameters,including forelimb grip strength,endurance,rearing count and scurry speed were assessed before and after treadmill training for two weeks. Results 1) The forelimb grip strength,endurance,rearing count and scurry speed of the 26-month-old rats were significantly lower than those of the 2-month-old and8-month-old rats. Moreover,the last three parameters were decreased with aging. 2) Treadmill training not only considerably improved the forelimb grip strength of 26-month-old and 8-month-old rats,but also increased the rearing count of 8-month-old and 2-month-old rats. 3) Treadmill training significantly increased the total scores of the motor function of 26-month-old rats. Conclusions The motor function parameters( forelimb grip strength,endurance,rearing count and scurry speed) of rats show an age-related decline. Importantly,treadmill training can improve the age-related decrease of totalscores of the motor function. These four parameters can be used as aging parameters for motor function in rat models.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期48-53,共6页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 科技部港澳台合作专项(2012DFH30060) 国家自然科学基金(30973158,81170324,81470433) 广东省教育厅国际合作平台项目(2012gjhz0003) 广东省自然科学基金重点项目(04105826,S2012020010895) 863计划(2007AA02Z105) 广东省科技厅国际合作平台项目(2009B050900007,2013B051000062) 广东省科技计划项目(2015B020211010)
关键词 衰老 运动机能 跑台运动训练 大鼠 Aging Motor function Treadmill training Rat
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