通过分析各种Delaunay三角剖分算法,采用基于三角网生长算法的约束三角网进行地形的几何建模。基于Visual C++6.0、Access数据库及OpenGL技术,共同实现离散点的管理和三角网的生成。并在"第三点"的搜索中采用了格网索引,有效的提高了构网速度。最后通过实验数据验证了算法的可靠性及程序的稳定性。
Based on the analysis on various Delaunay triangulation algorithms, the constrained TIN Algorithm is used to build the geometric modeling terrain based on triangulation growth algorithm. Visual C++ 6.0, Access database and OpenGL technology are used together to manage the discrete points and the generation of triangulation net. Besides, the adoption of grid index in the search of the "third point" effectively improve the speed of network construction. Finally, the reliability of the algorithm and the stability of the program are verified by the experimental data.
Mine Surveying