1992年初 ,俄罗斯开始以激进改革方式向市场经济过渡 ,其重要内容之一就是国有企业的强制性私有化改造。到 1999年初 ,俄罗斯共建立股份公司 2 80 0 0多家 ,其中私有化企业超过 2 30 0 0家。俄罗斯非国有经济已占GDP的 72 %。通过大规模的私有化 ,俄罗斯已初步建立了以私有制为基础的多种所有制形式并存的制度结构。但俄罗斯的私有化并未形成有效率的企业制度结构 ,其企业制度及其治理结构存在严重缺陷 ,这已引起国际学术界的广泛关注。基于此 ,对俄罗斯新型企业治理模式进行典型案例分析 ,对我国企业改革政策的制定具有重大的理论启发意义。
Russia started its drastic style of reform to transform to market economy at the beginning of 1992, and the key aspect of the reform was to change the state-owned enterprises into private ones by compulsory means. Until 1999, Russia had set up 28 000 stock companies, within which, more than 23 000 companies are private. Russia's non-state-owned economy has composed of 72% of its GDP. Russia has primarily set up the systematic structure based on private ownership accompanied by various ownerships. But Russia's privatization has not formed the efficient enterprise system, its enterprise system and management structure have serious problems, which has drawn great attention from international academic circles. So to study the Russian new enterprise system and its management structure has great theoretic reference to China's making its enterprise reform policy.
Northeast Asia Forum