
我国林业碳汇市场供需研究——以广东长隆碳汇造林项目为例 被引量:17

Supply-Demand Analysis of the Forest Carbon Sink Market in China——Illustrated by the Guangdong Chimelong Carbon Sink Afforestation Project
摘要 广东长隆碳汇造林项目作为我国首个获得国家发展和改革委员会签发的林业温室气体自愿减排(CCER)项目,对于我国林业碳汇参与应对气候变化具有重要的示范意义。本文对广东长隆碳汇造林项目进行了成本收益分析,发现林业碳汇交易价格被远远低估,从而使该项目不具备经济上的可复制性。为探究交易价格被低估的原因,本文考察了林业碳汇市场的供需关系,发现目前碳交易市场对林业碳汇CCER需求不足仅是表象,供需错配才是实质。首先,从需求侧来看,广东省碳排放配额设置过于宽松,缺乏林业碳汇CCER的接纳能力;其次,就供给侧而言,CCER的交易成本很高,且项目申报要求业主为企业法人,这严重限制了林业碳汇CCER的有效供给。鉴于以上问题,本文提出应同时从林业碳汇CCER的需求侧和供给侧着手改革。就需求侧而言,收紧广东省碳排放配额总量,并将林业碳汇CCER交易由补充机制改为配额管理。就供给侧而言,可以结合广东省推进林业碳普惠制度,将项目申报主体和交易主体放宽到独立法人和个人,广泛吸收民间资本、培育大型林业企业开展碳汇造林项目;降低碳汇项目进入门槛,根据省情制定方法学,简化签批手续。 As the first forest Chinese Certified Emission Reduction(CCER) project issued by China's National Development and Reform Commission, the Guangdong Chimelong Carbon Sink Afforestation Project has important demonstration effects. Through cost-benefit analysis of the project, this paper found that the market price of forest carbon sink was undervalued, which resulted in the economic unduplicatedness of this project. To explore the reasons why the price was undervalued, through supply-demand analysis of forest carbon sink market, the results showed that the shortage of demand for forest carbon sink CCER in the carbon trading market is just superficial, and the real problem lies in the mismatch of supply and demand. On the demand side, carbon emission quota is relatively lax in Guangdong, which leads to the lack of admitting ability of forest carbon sink CCERs. On the supply side, the extremely high transaction cost of CCER, and the stipulation that only incorporated entities can submit applications have severely restricted the effective supply of forest carbon sink CCER. In view of the above reasons, this paper proposed that the problem should be dealt with from both ends. From the demand end, the emission quota should be narrowed and the CCER cap should be changed into a quota management system rather than a complementary mechanism. As for the supply end, Guangdong's Public Inclusion Innovation of the Carbon TradingMechanism initiative should be promoted, and meanwhile, in order to attract private capital into the carbon sink afforestation projects, eligibility to become project applicants and trading members should be expanded to include independent legal entities and individuals, large forest enterprises should be cultivated to carry out the carbon sink afforestation project. In addition, the threshold for new projects must be lowered, and there should be a separate methodology(e.g. GCER, Guangdong Certified Emissions Reductions) to simplify the issuing procedures.
作者 石柳 唐玉华 张捷 SHI Liu TANG Yuhua ZHANG Jie(Institute of Resource, Environment and Development Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632 School of Economics, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632)
出处 《中国环境管理》 2017年第1期104-110,共7页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"我国重点生态功能区市场化生态补偿机制研究"(编号:15ZDA054) 国家社会科学基金重点项目"生态补偿导向的环境会计研究"(编号:14AZD068)
关键词 长隆项目 林业碳汇 成本收益 供需 Chimelong project forest carbon sink cost-benefit supply-demand
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