目的 :建立因素型骨科病人分类系统,指导骨科护理人力资源科学配置。方法 :根据因素型骨科病人分类量表,对病人进行因素型分类,通过公式计算每类病人的护士配备系数,根据各病区病人分类情况,计算病区需要的护士人数。结果 :因素型骨科病人分类量表根据人均每日所需护理时间采用整数时数分割法将6个病区病人分为四类,护士配备系数分别为0.30、0.48、1.04、2.01,每个病区每日需配备的护士人数=(一类病人人数×0.30)+(二类病人人数×0.48)+(三类病人人数×1.04)+(四类病人人数×2.01);临床实际配备护士人数远远小于所需人数。结论 :因素型骨科病人分类系统的建立为病人客观归类提供了量化指标,可科学指导护理人力资源配置。
Objective: To establish factor type orthopedic patient classification system, and to guide the scientific allocation of nursing human resources in orthopedic departments. Methods: According to the original RMT-PCS scale, we designed a new factor type orthopedic patient classification scale to classify the orthopedic patients. We got the nurse- allocation ratios of every type of patients through the formula, so according to the investigation results of the six wards, the amount of needed nurses was obtained. Results: The factor type orthopedic patient classification system divided all patients into four types according to the Nursing Hours Per Patient Day (NHPPD), the nurse-allocation ratios were 0.30, 0.48, 1.04, 2.01 respectively. The formula to calculate the needed nurses was "needed number=(the patients number of type one × 0.30) + (the patients number of type two × 0.48) + (the patients number of type three × 1.04) + (the patients number of type four × 2.01)". The results showed that the actual amount of nurses was far less than the number required in clinical practice. Conclusions: The factor type orthopedic patient classification system could classify the patients objectively and guide the allocation of nursing human resources scientifically and conveniently.
Chinese Nursing Management
patiem classification system
human resources allocation