
基于眼动数据的ATM机界面可用性测试 被引量:8

Usability Testing of ATM Machines Interface based on Eye Tracking Data
摘要 目的 ATM机作为面向大众的公共自助设施,应具有良好的可用性与通用性。测试ATM机的通用性水平并发现可用性问题。方法将ATM机界面原型作为实验研究对象,使用眼动仪进行绩效测试,并结合系统可用性量表和事后访谈评估界面。结果实验分青年、老年两组对现有ATM机界面进行绩效测试,获取有效性与效率指标数据;根据实验所得眼动数据进行了轨迹图和热点图的对比分析;结合满意度问卷与用户访谈综合分析了现有ATM界面在不同年龄组的用户操作中反映出的可用性水平。结论目前ATM机界面的整体可用性较低,两组被试在完成率和效率上都不高;老年组被试的完成率及效率都较年轻组被试低且满意度也更低。 Objective As the public self- help facilities, ATM machines should be of favorable usability and universality. This paper aims at finding out the usable problems through the level of universality of ATM machine. Methods In this research, interface prototype of ATM machine is the subject of this research, and eye tracker is applied to conduct performance test; besides, the usability scale and Questionnaire are used to evaluate the interface. Process: In this research, subjects were divided into two groups, the old group and the young one, who were tested on the performance of ATM machines interface to obtain the effective and efficient index data. The orbit diagrams and heat maps were analyzed comparatively according to the eye tracking data. The levels of availability implied from the operation of ATM machines among different groups of users were analyzed in combination with the Satisfaction Questionnaire and the interview with ATM users. Results The results indicate the general usability of ATM machines interface is low and the finishing rate as well as the efficiency is not high as well. Besides, compared to the young group, the finishing rate and efficiency of the old group are lower, so is the satisfaction. Conclusion
作者 汪颖 吕富强
出处 《人类工效学》 2017年第1期48-54,共7页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(基于老年人生活特征的无障碍公共产品研究)(13YJC760075) 浙江理工大学科研启动基金(面向弱势群体用户的人机交互界面研究)(14082221-Y) 浙江理工大学哲学社会科学科研攀登计划项目(14136063-Y) 浙江理工大学521人才培养计划项目
关键词 眼动数据 可用性 ATM机 界面 人机交互 注视 Eye tracking data usability Automatic Teller Machine interface human - computer interaction attation
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