自亚洲金融危机之后 ,从提高金融风险抵御力的角度 ,亚洲各国各地区加快了货币合作的步伐 ,但在目前的国际金融环境和国际货币体系下 ,实行亚洲区域货币合作仍有诸多限制条件。针对这一问题 ,从亚洲货币合作的内容、方式及合作前景等方面进行了探讨 ,并提出我国在合作中的地位及应该发挥的作用。
After the Asian Financial Crisis, Asian countries quicken their step of currency cooperation to increase the power of resisting financial risk. But Asian currency cooperation has many restricted condition under present international finance environment and currency system. Aiming at this question, this article probes the content, modes and foreground of Asian currency cooperation and puts forward the status and role of China in the cooperation.