
应对中美关系南海困局的思考 被引量:11

A Thinking on the South China Sea Dilemma of the Sino-U.S. Relations
摘要 "南海航行自由"是美国"亚太再平衡"战略剑指中国的"撒手锏",超越"南海航行自由"陷阱是中国捍卫国家主权、维护国际法和实现海洋强国梦必须面对的现实挑战。美国打着维护"南海航行自由"的幌子行"舰机"航行自由,目的在于护持美国的亚太霸权地位。中美南海航行自由纷争的本质是海洋霸权国与新型海洋强国在南海战略矛盾和战略利益的竞争,其法理诱因是双方对航行自由原则的认知分歧,也是美国理想主义"海洋自由"传统和实用主义"航行自由计划"的延续。中美"南海航行自由"问题的不断发酵对中国海洋军事安全,海洋战略空间的拓展以及海上崛起的舆论环境造成严重影响。中国应当在实现海洋强国的战略背景下思考该问题的解决路径。中国超越"南海航行自由"陷阱的首务是要保持战略定力,为实现中国海洋强国争取战略机遇期;要加强与美国的战略对话,在南海构建稳定的航行自由机制;要在国际舆论、海洋法律秩序和区域海洋公共产品提供中争取外交主动,适时适度推进南海岛礁建设。 The freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is the 'Sunday punch' of America's Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy towards China.Avoiding the trap of 'freedom of navigation in the South China Sea' is a real challenge that China has to face in defending national sovereignty, maintaining international law, and realizing the dream of maritime power. The American is conducting vessel or plane freedom activities under the guise of maintaining the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Its purpose is to protect the American hegemony in the Asia-Pacific. The essence of the 'freedom of navigation in the South China Sea' is the strategic contradictory and competing interests between the marine hegemony country and the new type of sea power. Its legal cause is the cognitive differences on the principle of freedom of navigation. It is also the continuation of the idealism 'ocean freedom' tradition and pragmatism 'freedom of navigation plan'. The continuous fermentation of the 'freedom of navigation in the South China Sea' issue can result in serious impacts on China's Marine military, expanding ocean strategy space and the public opinion environment of the rise in the sea.China should think ways to solve the problem under the background of grand strategy of sea power. Firstly, keeping strategic concentration, striving for the period of strategic opportunities for China's maritime rise; Secondly, strengthening the strategic dialogue with the United States, building a stable mechanism of freedom of navigation. Thirdly, taking the initiative in international public opinion, maritime legal order and regional marine public products. In the end, China moderately has been promoting the construction of the South China Sea reefs at the right moment.
作者 黄凤志 刘瑞
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期35-46,共12页 Northeast Asia Forum
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(13AGJ003) 吉林大学研究生创新基金资助项目(2016142) 2016年度教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目(16JZD027)
关键词 中美关系 南海争端 航行自由 “过度的领海主张” 历史性海洋权力 岛礁建设 海洋强国 南海秩序 Sino-U.S. Relations South China Sea Disputes Freedom of Navigation Excessive Maritime Claims Historic Maritime Rights Island Construction Maritime Power Order of the South China Sea
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