

Study on the association between polymorphism of MICB gene and rheumatoid arthritis in Hainan Han Chinese population
摘要 目的研究海南汉族人群MHCI类链相关基因B(MHCclassIchain-relatedgeneB,M1CB)等位基因多态性与类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoidarthritis,RA)的相关性。方法用世界卫生组织推荐的标准盐析法提取外周静脉血DNA,采用PCR-序列特异性引物(PCRsequencespecificprimer,PCR-SSP)和PCR产物直接测序分型(PCR-sequencebasedgenotyping,PCR-SBT)方法对样本MICB基因的多态性进行检测分析。结果RA患者及对照组中共有10种MICB等位基因被检测出,两组中MICB。005:02等位基因频率分布最高,其频率为52.6%比42.0%,但MICB*002等位基因频率在RA组明显低于对照组(13.1%比25.5%),差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05),MICB*014等位基因频率在RA组亦明显低于对照组(8.1%比15.3%),差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论MICB*002和MICB*014等位基因与RA的易感性之间存在负相关,可能是RA的保护性基因。 Objective To study on the polymorphism of MICB and its correlation with rheumatoid ar- thritis(RA) in Hainan Han Chinese population. Methods The DNA was extracted from peripheral blood u- sing the standard salt precipitation method recommended by world health organization. PCR-SSP and PCR-SBT were used to analyze the gene polymorphism of M1CB. Results 10 MICB alleles was found in RA patients and control group. Among the tested individuals ,MICB * 005:02 showed relatively high allele frequency. Its frequen- cy for the patient group and control group was 52.6% vs 42.0%. The allele frequency of MICB * 002 in RA group ( 13.1% ) was much lower than that of control group (25.5 % ), which was statistically significant (Pc 〈 0. 05). The allele frequency of MICB * 014 in RA group(8.1% ) was significantly lower than that of control group( 15.3% ) ,which was statistically significant( Pc 〈 0.05 ). Conclusions MICB * 002 and MICB * 014 al- leles were negatively correlated with the susceptibility of RA and their might be serve as protective factors.
作者 周琴 刘立民 符小玲 陈纯静 余平 Department of Immunology School of Basic Medical Sciences Central South University Changsha China(Zhou Q, Yu P Department of Clinical Laboratory, Liuzhou Worker's Hospital, Liuzhou 545000, China ( Liu LM Department of Transfusion , Hainan General Hospital , Haikou 570100, China( Fu XL Changsha Medical University, Changsha 410200, China( Chen C J)
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 2017年第1期1-5,共5页 International Journal of Immunology
关键词 MICB基因 基因多态性 类风湿性关节炎 MICB alleles Gene polymorphism Rheumatoid arthritis
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