
壮医皮肤针联合壮药固发美髯汤治疗复发性斑秃30例临床观察 被引量:4

The clinical observation of Zhuang medicine skin needling combined with zhuang traditional medlicine solid hair meiran decoction in the treatment of recurnent alopeia avents
摘要 目的:观察壮医皮肤针联合壮药固发美髯汤治疗肝肾不足型复发性斑秃的临床疗效及安全性。方法:将90例肝肾不足型复发性斑秃患者随机分为治疗组、对照组1、对照组2,每组各30例。治疗组予内服固发美髯汤联合外用壮医皮肤针治疗,对照组1予壮药固发美髯汤内服治疗,对照组2采用壮医皮肤针扣刺治疗。三组治疗每疗程为4周,3个疗程治疗结束后,评价三组患者治疗前、后脱发区积分与起效时间,进行安全性检测。结果:治疗组总有效率93.33%,对照组1总有效率76.67%,对照组2总有效率80%。三组比较具有显著性,治疗组优于对照组1、对照组2。三组治疗后积分皆明显低于治疗前积分;治疗结束后治疗组脱发区积分明显低于两对照组。治疗组的起效时间明显少于两组对照组。治疗组中临床治愈16例,未见复发;对照组1中临床治愈12例,3例复发,对照组2中治愈14例,5例复发.三组进行比较,有统计学意义,两组对照组复发率皆高于治疗组。治疗组有1例出现轻度腹胀和腹泻,对照组2中1例患者出现头晕、恶心。结论:壮医皮肤针联合壮药固发美髯汤治疗肝肾不足型复发性斑秃具有较好的疗效,起效时间快,复发率低,安全性好,无明显副作用。 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Zhuang medicine skin needling combined with Zhuang traditional medicine solid hair meiran decoction in the treatment of liver and kidney deficiency type of recurrent alopecia areata. Methods: 90 cases of liver and kidney deficiency type of recurrent alopecia areata patients were randomly divided into treatment group,control group 1 and control group 2,30 cases in each group. Treatment group take orally hair,beards soup combined external zhuang medicine dermal needle,control group 1 give zhuang medicine hair beards soup,control group 2 uses the zhuang medicine dermal needle thorn.Three groups therapy treatment for 4 weeks,after the three courses of treatment,evaluation of three groups of patients before and after hair loss area integral and the work time,safety detection. Results : The total effective rate was 93. 33% in the treatment group,76. 67% in the control group 1 and 80% in the control group 2. Compared three groups,the treatment group is better than that of control group 1,group 2. Three groups after treatment scores were significantly lower than before treatment; After the treatment of alopecia area integral treatment group was obviously lower both the control group. The working time of treatment group was obviously less than control group in both groups. In the treatment group,16 cases were cured without recurrence,12 cases were cured in the control group 1,3 cases were relapsed,14 cases were cured in the control group 2,5 cases were relapsed.Comparison of the three groups was statistically significant,two groups of recurrence in the control group were higher than that of the treatment group. One patient in the treatment group had mild bloating and diarrhea,and one patient in the control group 2 developed dizziness and nausea. Conclusion : Zhuang medicine skin needling combined with Zhuang traditional medicine solid hair meiran decoctiont in the treatment of liver and kidney deficiency type recurrent alopecia areata has good curative effect,working time is fast,low recurrence rate,good security,no obvious side effects.
作者 钟江 张云 黄涛 蔡华 孙小雨 苏婷 卢山明 侯晋涛 ZHONG Jiang ZHANG Yun HUANG Tao CHAI Hua SUN Xiao - yu SU Ting LU Shan - ming HUO Ji - tao(The first affiliated hospital in Guangxi traditional chinese medicine university, Guangxi Nanning 53002)
出处 《中国民族医药杂志》 2017年第1期3-6,共4页 Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy of Chinese Minorities
基金 广西科学研究与技术开发计划课题(桂科攻1355006-2) 广西高等学校高水平创新团队及卓越学者计划资(201407)
关键词 壮医 壮药 固发美髯汤 皮肤针 复发性 斑秃 治疗 Zhuang medicine Zhuang medicine Solid hair meiran soup Skin needle alopecia areata treatment
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