

New Changes in American Basic Education:from NCLB to ESSA
摘要 2015年12月10日,奥巴马政府出台《每个学生都成功法案》(ESSA),取代了实施十年之久的《不让一个孩子掉队法案》(NCLB)。与旧法案相比,新法案在多方面取得重大突破,尤其是针对《不让一个孩子掉队法案》中出现的问题进行了修订,如地方教育权利、标准化测试、教育权力重新下放、废除统一考试、改革教育问责制等等,新法案力图通过多元化、现代化、综合化的教育改革,争取真正实现每个学生都能取得成功。 On December 10th of 2015, the Obama administration has issued the "Every Student Succeeds Act" to replace the "No Child Left Behind" which had been implemented for ten years. The new act has made many major breakthroughs aiming at the existing problems ardized testing, decentralization of educational authority, in the old act, such as local education rights, stand- the abolition of the unified exam, reform education accountability and so on. The new act tries to achieve the success of each student through the diversification, modernization and comprehensive education reform.
作者 薛博文 孔涵涵 XUE Bowen KONG Hanhan(Institute of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China School of Teacher Education, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong 273165, China)
出处 《现代教育科学》 2017年第1期145-149,共5页 Modern Education Science
关键词 NCLB ESSA 基础教育改革 美国 NCLB ESSA reform of basic education USA
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