
需求导向的文献检索课教学改革——以应用型本科文献检索课为例 被引量:8

Reform of Document Retrieval Course to Accommodate Demand——Taking Document Retrieval Course for Applied Undergraduate as An Example
摘要 以承德石油高等专科学校为例,分析了应用型本科学生的学情和信息素养现状,结合网络教学手段,以需求为导向,探讨了应用型本科专业科技文献检索课的教学改革措施。分别对教学内容、教学模式、教学方法进行改革,增加实用性强的网络信息检索教学内容,教学全程使用移动教学平台、在线考试及存储平台实现无纸化教学和考核,教学章节设计中分别采用翻转课堂、嵌入式教学、案例教学法、问题教学法、互动教学法等方式方法提升受教者的学习兴趣,教学改革效果良好,满足了学生的信息需求。 Objective: To prove the quality of propofol or sevoflurane general anesthesia in children based on preoperative and postoperative levels of blood sugar,transaminases and creatinine. Methods: Our study was a randomized controlled trial. Two hundred ASA physical I pediatric patients aged 4 to 7 years,the time less than 60 min of elective surgery under general anesthesia,were randomized in two groups based on different approaches: total intravenous anesthesia was used for the propofol group( n = 100)( TIVA) and the inhalation technique was used for the sevoflurane group( n = 100). Blood sugar,transaminases and creatinine were detected and recorded at pre and post operation. Results: There were on significantly different between the two groups in blood sugar,transaminases( ALT,AST) and creatinine at preoperative and postoperative( P 0. 05). Conclusion: Analysis of the examined laboratory parameters shows that propofol and sevoflurane provide full security of general anesthesia in pediatric patients.
作者 刘向红
出处 《晋图学刊》 2017年第1期10-13,共4页 Shanxi Library Journal
基金 2016年承德石油高等专科学校教育研究与社科研究课题<需求导向的应用型本科文献检索课教学改革>成果之一
关键词 信息素养 文献检索课 教学改革 应用型本科 Propofol Sevoflurane Pediatric General Anesthesia Biochemical indexes
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