
延安时期《解放日报》对十月革命的纪念及其启示 被引量:1

The Commemoration of the October Revolution by Liberation Daily in the Period of Yan'an and Its Enlightenment
摘要 中国共产党十分重视对十月革命的纪念。曾出版于延安的中共机关报《解放日报》,通过刊登演说、报告、社论、纪念文章及通讯报道等形式,对十月革命纪念活动进行较全面的报道。《解放日报》纪念十月革命的主要内容有四个方面:一是再现人民群众以实际行动纪念十月革命的情境,阐述纪念的动力源泉存在于人民群众之中;二是刊登文章纪念十月革命的伟大意义,表达纪念的鲜明特色在于纪念新的时代的开启;三是重申以战胜法西斯主义来纪念十月革命的鲜明立场,指出纪念的目标指向在于携手团结反对非正义战争;四是重点分析以延安为中心纪念十月革命的基本初衷,描绘纪念的价值取向在于学习苏联走苏联道路。现今,在为中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦奋斗的背景下,重温《解放日报》对十月革命纪念的历史,在坚定中国特色社会主义制度自信,牢记宗旨、不忘初心、勇往前行与热爱和平、反对非正义战争等方面具有重要的启示。 The Communist Party of China attaches much weight to the commemoration of the October Revolution. The Lib- eration Daily, published in Yan' an as the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, had reported comprehen- sively about the commemoration of the October Revolution by publishing addresses, reports, editorials, commemorative articles, news reports and all kinds of other forms. The main content that the Liberation Daily commemorated the October Revolution contains four parts: first, it had reported that the people commemorated the October Revolution by practical action, proving that the main source of power of the commemoration was in fact the people themselves ; second, it pub- lished the commemorative articles to reminisce on the great significance of the October Revolution, expressing the distin- guished feature of commemoration which was based on the initiation of a new age; third, it reiterated the distinct position that the commemoration of the October Revolution depended on the victory over fascism, and indicated that the target of the commemoration was to oppose unjust war; fourth, it intensively analyzed the origin of the October Revolution in the center of Yah' an, describing the path that was taken in the footsteps of the Soviet Union. Nowadays, on the background of revitalizing the great Chinese Dream for Chinese nation, the historical review of Liberation Daily in commemoration of October Revolution had a significant impact on the conceptualization of socialism with Chinese characteristics, keeping in mind the enthusiasm to go forward bravely, devotion to the peace and rejection of the unjust war.
作者 刘意 朱斌 LIU Yi ZHU Bin(Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China College of Marxist Philosophy, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期21-28,共8页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目:马克思主义意识形态嵌入中国民众日常生活研究(1949 1956)(14YJC710062) 广东省德育创新项目:日常生活视阈下的社会主义核心价值观大众化路径(2015DYZZ015) 华中师范大学研究生教育创新资助项目(2016CXZZ112)
关键词 《解放日报》 十月革命纪念 启示 Liberation Daily anniversary of the October Revolution enlightenment
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