
A-PRF在口腔种植中的护理配合 被引量:3

Nursing cooperation of A-PRF in oral implantology
摘要 目的:探讨A-PRF在口腔种植中的护理配合方法。方法:通过对2015年3~12月就诊于我院种植科接受A-PRF种植技术的16例患者的护理,总结A-PRF技术的术前、术中、术后的护理要点。结果:16例患者均获得一期手术成功,11例完成了最终冠修复,无切口感染、裂开等并发症。结论:将A-PRF应用于种植外科植骨术,除了医师精湛的技术是手术成功的前提,严谨规范的护理更是种植成功的保障。 Objective: To discuss the nursing cooperation method of A - PRF in oral implantology. Methods : The key nursing points before, during and after A - PRF technology were summarized for the nursing of 16 patients receiving A - PRF implantology in implantology department of our hospital from March to December 2015. Results:All the 16 patients achieved success in the first -stage operation, and 11 patients completed the crown restoration finally, with- out incision infection, laceration and other complications. Conclusion : For the application of A - PRF in bone transplantation, under the premise of exquisite technique of doctors for the successful of operation, the strictly regulated nursing is the guarantee for success of implantation.
作者 裴皙 陈爱云 谢慧 PEI Xi CI-IENG Ai - yun XIE Hui(Changzhou Stomatological Hospital, Changzhou 213000)
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2017年第1期77-78,共2页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 口腔种植 A-PRF 护理配合 植骨术 Oral implantology A - PRF Nursing cooperation Bone transplantation
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