过程控制实验是过程控制工程课的重要教学环节,触摸屏HMI(Human Machine Interface,人机界面)简单易用,功能强大,非常适合用于工业环境,应用非常广泛。文中重点介绍了威纶通HMI在过程控制实验装置的应用,譬如HMI的界面设计,编写宏指令实现PID控制等。实验装置培养和增强了学生的实际工作能力与解决实际问题的能力。
Process control experiment is an important teaching link of Process Control Engineering course. Touch-screen HMI (Human Machine Interface)is simple and easy to use, powerful, very suitable for the industrial environment, application is very broad. This paper mainly introduces the weinview HMI in the application of process control experimental device, such as the design of HMI interface,write a macro instruction to realize PID control. The experimental device is to cultivate and enhance the students' practical ability and the ability to solve practical problems.
Automation & Instrumentation