
围手术期急性肾损伤的预防 被引量:1

Prevention of acute kidney injury during the perioperative period
摘要 围手术期是急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)最常见的发病期。外科手术相关的AKI的发生率占医院获得性AKI的18%~47%。如何防治AKI的发生、发展已成为当前肾脏病研究工作中的重点和热点。由于目前没有特异性治疗措施可以逆转AKI,围手术期AKI的预防和早期识别至关重要,故本文重点就围手术期可能对肾功能造成影响的危险因素、术前AKI的风险评估模型以及AKI早期诊断的生物学标记物进行了详细阐述。最后结合2012年KDIGO指南就目前AKI的治疗策略进行了介绍。 The perioperative period is a conmen stage of acute kidney injury (AKI). The incidence of AKI related to surgery is about 18% - 47% of hospital acquired AKI. How to prevent the occurrence and develop the treatment to revise AKI has now become the focus and hotspots in nephrology research works. Up to now, there is no specific treatment to reverse AKI, so it is very important to prevent the occurrence of AKI and early identify AKI in the perioperative period. In this paper,we review the risk factors for renal func-tion during perioperative period, biological markers of AKI, and treatment strategies for the disease.
作者 李荣山 李静 LI Rong-shan LI Jing(Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Taiyuan 030012, China Department ofNephrology, The Second Af- filiated Hospital, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030012, China Shanxi Institute of Kidney Disease, Taiyuan 030012, China)
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2017年第2期19-22,共4页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 急性肾损伤 围手术期 预防 Acute kidney injury Perioperative period Prevention
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