
青年毛泽东对俄国十月革命道路的认同与选择 被引量:5

Mao Zedong's Recognition and Selection of the Pathway of the October Revolution in His Youth
摘要 青年毛泽东对俄国十月革命道路的认同和选择是一个循序渐进的过程:1917年冬初步得知俄国革命的消息。1918年初到北京,受李大钊等人的影响,对俄国十月革命持赞同态度;返回湖南后注意介绍俄国革命并高度评价其意义,还想去俄国留学。1919年冬第二次到北京期间,阅读了不少有关俄国革命和革命后俄国情况的书籍,更产生组织游俄队的愿望。1920年夏,在上海同陈独秀谈论有关俄国革命及相关马克思主义的著作,回湖南后在同陈独秀等人的密切交往中开始筹建俄式共产主义小组;还创办文化书社、传播俄罗斯新文化,加强对俄罗斯的研究。而从1920年夏至1921年初在与赴法国勤工俭学的蔡和森通信讨论、受他力主"准备做俄国的十月革命"建议的影响后,坚定不移地选择走俄国革命道路。1921年中国共产党第一次全国代表大会召开前后,毛泽东"走俄国人的路"的政治选择基本完成。 It is a gradual process that Mao Zedong in youth recognized and selected the pathway of the October Revolution. He first heard about the Revolution in the winter of 1917. Mao, deeply influenced by Li Da zhao and other compatriots after he arrived in Beijing in 1918, applauded the Revolution. Hence, when he returned back to his hometown in Hunan Province,he engaged himself in introducing the Revolution, placed this campaign with great significance, and showed a strong willingness to study abroad in Russia.During his second stay in Beijing in 1919, he read many books about the Revolution and the status quo of post-Revolution Russia, harboring an ambition of establishing guerrillas in China. In the summer of 1920, Mao Zedong talked with Chen Duxiu about the Russian Revolution and related works of Marxism in Shanghai. Afterwards, he started to set up a Russian-style Communist Party through close connection with Chen Duxiu or other compatriots after he came back to Hunan Province. Mao also set up a book club for cultural reading so as to spread new Russian cultures and strengthen Russian studies. Inspired by Cai Hesen through correspondce who went to France for Work-Study Program and strongly advocated 'preparing for the October Revolution in China', Mao unswervingly chose to carry forward the pathway of the Revolution. Mao Zedong's political choice of 'picking up Russian's pathway' fundamentally took shape in the course of the First National Congress of the CPC in 1921.
作者 胡为雄
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期66-72,共7页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
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