

The Theory of Action in "Das Kapital". Implication and Mode
摘要 "四卷结构"使《资本论》成为一体例完备的作品,毫不夸张地说,这得益于马克思对科学性与阶级性的"严谨统一"的处理。认真梳理《资本论》的逻辑可以发现,马克思是由主客观统一的行动范畴界定及刻画"资本运动"及其过程的,即运用了"事的科学"的学科门类归类和过程分析的基本笔法。"行动"的范畴生产与批判的理论效果体现在三个方面:第一,统一历史中的社会阶级、行动与个体行为,既蕴存阶级的主体概念的历史规定性,又突出社会启动个人的经济行为特征;第二,以生成性规定统一阶级、行动、语言,这种研究越出了语言本身,构造出"真正的实证科学"——阶级与行动内在统一的历史科学;第三,行动范畴最终迫使"唯物辩证法"(作为"历史学科方法")和"历史唯物主义发生学"(作为"历史工作逻辑")取得一致性,完结了理论实践的"意蕴"。通过渐进追询"行动如何可能",各种行为模式在《资本论》中艺术地结成一体,结成完整的工作;这种大写意义的"逻辑构造"旨在消除各门具体科学之工作盲目性,通过学科批判的指导,有效服务阶级客观对象的社会现实,实现阶级、行动、理论科学的实践统一。 "Four volume structure" makes "Das Kapital" works with complete styl, without exaggeration, thanks to Marx's "rigorous and uni- fied" processing on the scientific nature and class nature. Carefully combing "Das Kapital" logic, it can be found that Marx used the unification of objective and subjective action category definition and characterization of the capital movement and the process, namely the use of the classification and process analysis of "scientific" disciplines of basic strokes. The category pro- duction o{ "Action" and critical theoretical results are embodied in three as- pects: First, unification of history of social class, action and behavior of the individual, Yun deposit historical stipulation of the main concept of the class, and highlight the community characteristics of individual economic be- havior; Second, to generate rules unified class, action, language, this kind of research has exceeded the language itself, the structure of "real positive science" -- class action and internal unity of history of science; Third, category of action eventually forced "dialectical materialism" (as "history") and "historical materialism Genesis" (as "historical logic") get consistency, finalising the theory and practice of "meaning". Through progressive quests "action of how it is possible, various behaviors in"Das Kapital "art form one, form a complete work; "Logical structure" of the kind of capital to eliminate the specific scientific work blindness, the disciplinary critique of guidance and effective service class of objects to the social reality, to achieve the practical unity of class, action, scientific theory.
作者 许光伟 Xu Guangwei
出处 《海派经济学》 CSSCI 2016年第4期138-157,共20页 Journal of Economics of Shanghai School
基金 2015年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“《资本论》与中国经济学实践创新研究”(15YJA790073)的研究成果之一
关键词 《资本论》 阶级 行动 理论 科学 "Das Kapital" Class Action Theory Science
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