
同种异体肌腱修复陈旧性跟腱断裂 被引量:3

The old Achilles tendon rupture is repaired by translocation of the allograft tendon
摘要 目的探讨应用同种异体肌腱修复陈旧性跟腱断裂的临床疗效及手术方法。方法选取2010年1月至2014年12月,对河北医科大学第三医院足踝外科就诊的53例陈旧性跟腱断裂患者,采用同种异体肌腱进行修复,跟腱缺损范围6.24~15.44cm,平均缺损范围(8.64±4.32)cm。结果53例均获得随访10~58个月,平均随访(35.3±4.2)个月,除术后2例发生皮缘坏死,经换药后痊愈,其余均获1期愈合,未见有排异反应者,无跟腱再断裂的发生。采用Arner-Lindholm疗效评估方法评估,优42例(79.2%),良11例(20.8%)。结论同种异体肌腱修复陈旧性跟腱断裂,手术方法简单易行,无副损伤,临床疗效满意,是一种可行的手术方法。 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects and operation method oi allogeneic tendon in treatment oI old Achilles tendon rupture. Methods From January 2010 to December 2014,53 cases of chronic Achilles tendon rupture were treated by use of allogeneic tendon to repair Achilles tendon. Results All the cases were followed up 10-58 months with an average of 35 months. The operative incisions were healed in I stage.Expert two incision of delayed healing. There were no untoward reaction,no Achilles tendon adherence, and no Achilles tendon rupture again.According to the Arner-Lindholm standard,42 cases gained the excellent result(79.2%) and 11 cases were good (20.8%). Conclusion Allogeneic tendon repair of old Achilles tendon rupture,the operation method is simple, without damage,the clinical curative effect is satisfied, it is a feasible operation method.
作者 王慧娟 陈少鹏 孙亚宁 张晓婵 夏志勇 赵海涛 秦士吉 张奉琪 WANG Hui-juanl CHEN Shao-peng SUN Ya-ning XIA Zhi-yong ZHAO Hai-tao QIN Shi-ji ZHANG Feng-qi(Department of Histology and Embryology, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Hospital, Handan 056200, China Department of Foot and Ankle Surgely, Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050051, China Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, First Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050000, China)
出处 《足踝外科电子杂志》 2015年第3期24-26,共3页 Electronic Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
关键词 陈旧性跟腱断裂 同种异体肌腱 移植 Achilles tendon rupture Allogeneic tendon Transplantation
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