
南昌市近郊区超重与肥胖儿童血清双酚A水平调查 被引量:2

Investigation of serum bisphenol-A in overweight and obesity children from Nanchang
摘要 目的了解南昌市近郊区儿童血清双酚A(BPA)水平与超重或肥胖的关系。方法于2014年调查南昌市近郊3所小学的7-11岁儿童176名,由家长统一填写调查表问卷,按照中国肥胖工作组(WGOC)制定的标准筛查超重与肥胖。采用间接竞争酶联免疫分析法(ELISA)测定血清BPA含量,采用直接化学发光法测定血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)含量,比较体重正常与超重或肥胖儿童的血清BPA及性激素水平。结果 176名调查儿童中,超重率为13.1%,肥胖率为2.9%,血清BPA检出率为68.0%,BPA中位数为2.16 ng/ml。BPA与各激素水平的关联均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。调整混杂因素后,多因素logistic回归分析显示,BPA水平是超重或肥胖的危险因素(OR=2.150,95%CI:1.215-3.804),各性激素对超重或肥胖的影响均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。与血清BPA水平较低(〈2.16 ng/ml)的儿童相比,BPA较高水平(2.16-6.13 ng/ml)的儿童发生超重或肥胖的风险为4.727倍,BPA更高水平(〉6.13 ng/ml)的儿童发生超重或肥胖的风险为3.595倍。结论南昌市近郊区儿童存在BPA暴露,且BPA暴露可能是儿童超重与肥胖的重要危险因素之一。 Objective To know the levels of bisphenol-A (BPA) in serum and its relationship with overweight and obesity in children from Nanchang city. Methods A total of 176 children aged 7 to 11 were chosen from three primary schools in 2014, which were located in the suburb of Nanchang, and their parents were asked to fill in the questionnaire. The prevalence rates of overweight and obesity were obtained according to the creteria of Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC). The concentrations of BPA in serum samples were measured by using indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (ic-ELISA), and the sex hormones level of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (E2), testosterone (T) were detected by chemiluminoimmunoassay. Evaluation and comparison BPA and sex hormones level in serum were conducted. Results The proportion of child-overweight and obesity were 13.1% and 2.9%; BPA was detected in 68.0% of serum samples with a median of 2.16 ng/ml. No association between serum BPA level and sex hormones level was noted in school-age children. After adjustment for potential confounders, the results of the multivariate logistic analysis revealed that potential risk factors might be BPA levels (OR =2.150,95%CI: 1.215-3.804), while sex hormones level were no statistically significant. Compared with lower serum BPA levels (〈M), increased risk of overweight and obesity was observed across increasing serum BPA levels (4.727 ng/ml for M-P75, 3.595 ng/ml for 〉P75)- Conclusion The school-age children in Nanchang are exposed to BPA generally, and BPA exposure may be an important risk factor for overweight and obesity.
作者 章英 李骄阳 孙雪华 刘文清 熊文艳 赖肖 谢许情 邓志强 范广勤 ZHANG Ying LI Jiao-yang SUN Xue-hua LIU Wen-qing XIONG Wen-yan LAI Xiao XIE Xu-qing DENG Zhi-qiang FAN Guang-qin(Department of Environmental Health, Nanehang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanehang 330038, Chin)
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第11期964-968,共5页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 南昌市科技计划项目([2012]37-23)
关键词 儿童 超重 肥胖 双酚A 性激素 Children Overweight Obesity Bisphenol-A Sex hormone
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