
护士对心电监护仪报警应答体验的质性研究 被引量:10

Qualitative research on nurses' respond experience on alarming of electrocardiogram monitor
摘要 目的了解护士对心电监护仪报警的应答体验,为提高报警应答率提供依据。方法采用现象学研究方法,对5家医院的17名临床注册护士进行深度半结构式访谈,并用内容分析法分析资料。结果得出护士对心电监护仪报警应答体验4个主题:报警不能完全反映患者病情变化,报警的重要性需要区别对待,对报警的风险认识不足,护士应答报警力不从心。结论护士对心电监护仪报警不当应答现象普遍,应提高心电监护仪报警质量,完善其告知体系,力求实现心电监护仪报警的安全管理。 Objective To study nurses' respond experience on alarming of electrocardiogram(ECG) monitor to provide evidence for improving response rate of ECG alarming.Method 17 clinical registered nurses from 5 hospitals receive in-depth semi-structural interview by phenomenological research method and analyze the information by content analysis method.Result 4 themes of nurses' respond experience on alarming of ECG monitor are received:limited reflection on change of illness,necessity on distinction from different emergency level,insufficient recognition on risk of alarming and lack of energy to respond.Conclusion Improper response of nurses on alarming of ECG monitor is very common.Quality of ECG monitor alarming and informing system should be improved to ensure the safety management of ECG monitor alarming.
作者 赵海侠 王薇
出处 《护理与康复》 2017年第3期207-211,共5页 Journal of Nursing and Rehabilitation
基金 2014年浙江省医药卫生平台计划项目 编号:2014ZDA009
关键词 报警 心电监护仪 应答 质性研究 alarm ECG monitor respond qualitative research
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