目的分析在麻醉恢复室的临床护理中予以音乐干预的效果。方法选取我院2015年7月—2016年7月予以全麻手术的患者120例作为临床对象,随机分成对照组、观察组。对照组予以常规护理,观察组予以音乐干预,观察与比较临床效果。结果观察组麻醉护理满意程度比对照组高,在恢复室的停留时间短于对照组。经统计学分析,差异存在统计学意义,P<0.05。恢复室停留时间:观察组恢复室停留时间(27.5±5.6)min,对照组恢复室停留时间(38.6±6.3)min,从数据中可知,观察组恢复室停留时间短于对照组。经统计学分析差异具有统计学意义,t=10.200 3,P<0.05。结论对麻醉患者予以音乐干预,可以将麻醉护理的满意效果提升,将恢复室停留时间缩短。
Objective To analyze the effect of music intervention in the clinical nursing of the anesthesia recovery room.Methods 120 cases of patients who were given general anesthesia in our hospital from July 2015 to July 2016 were randomly divided into control group and observation group.The control group was given routine nursing,the observation group was given music intervention.Results The satisfaction degree of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group,and the residence time in the recovery room was significantly shorter than that in the control group.After statistical analysis,there was a significant difference,P〈0.05.Recovery room residence time:the recovery time in the observation group(27.5±5.6) min,the recovery time in the control group was(38.6±6.3) min.from the data,the observation group was significantly shorter than the control group.After statistical analysis,the difference is statistically significant,t =10.200 3,P〈0.05.Conclusion Music intervention for the patients with anesthesia can improve the satisfaction of anesthesia nursing and shorten the residence time of the recovery room.
MEI Dongxue(Anesthesiology Department, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430071, China)
China Health Standard Management
music intervention
anesthesia recovery room
nursing effect