
近两百年江苏省城乡建设用地数量估算与空间重建 被引量:4

Dataset establishment and spatial reconstruction of urban and rural construction land of Jiangsu Province in the past 200 years
摘要 以典型历史断面下的建设用地为研究对象,以数量估算控制下的空间格局重建为基本思路,在200 m×200 m网格下,估算并重建了近200年5个时间断面下的江苏省建设用地(城镇用地和农村聚落用地)的空间格局。在数量估算方面,历史时期(1820年)的城镇用地主要采用城垣、市镇四栅等作为代用指标;近现代时期(1911年、1936年、1952年),主要通过人口、社会经济等数据,结合一定假设确定人均用地数量进行推导;各时期的农村聚落用地均以人口数量为基础,根据人均住房面积和社会经济数据修正确定。在空间重建方面,结合遥感数据解译获得的现代(1985年)土地利用数据,借助基础地理数据,在一定假设条件下,通过数量控制、边界控制、适宜性控制,兼顾用地连片性等予以确定。结果表明:(1)各时间断面下的江苏省建设用地数量分别为963.46 km2(1820年)、1041.94 km2(1911年)、1672.40 km2(1936年)、1980.34 km2(1952年)和10687.18 km2(1985年);(2)建设用地在空间分布上具有亲水网、路网等特征,并随居民点极化与扩散效应而不断扩张;(3)通过变化过程与演化趋势检验、建设用地与生产协调性分析、居民点空间数量与格局分析等方法,间接证明了重建结果的合理性。 Human-induced land use/cover change (LUCC) has significant effects on the climatic and ecological processes at both global and regional scales. It is an important driving force of global environmental change and has been one of hot topics of international concerns. Since the industrial revolution, the expansion of built-up areas (construction land) has been profoundly changing the status of LUCC. Construction land expansion has been the most dominant feature in land use changes. People's lifestyles and ideas have changed a lot accordingly. It is urgent to to seek solutions to some global issues especially those in fields such as resources, environment and ecology. Historical LUCC research plays a key role in these fields. Confined by the data availability, reconstructing historical construction land confronts with some difficulties. Current research rarely targets at construction land along the historical timeline. There is room for research efforts in extending contents of such reconstructed dataset, quantifying key factors, and improving spatial analytical precision. Therefore, it is sensible to establish a method to reconstruct a more effective, comprehensive, and finer-precision dataset for construction land along the historical timeline. Based on historical records and contemporary statistics on natural resources, this study aims to reconstruct the spatial distribution of construction land (urban land and rural settlement land) for several selected time intersections in the past 200 years in Jiangsu Province with a resolution of 200 m×200 m. The results show that: (1) areas of construction land are estimated to be 963.46 km2 in 1820, 1043.46 km2 in 1911, 1672.40 km2 in 1936, 1980.34 km: in 1952 and 10687.20 km2 in 1985; and (2) the spatial distribution of construction land are featured by a tendency to be close to water bodies and main roads as well as an effect of settlements' polarization and diffusion. The validity of our research results has been proved indirectly by the trend test and the coordination analysis.
作者 林忆南 金晓斌 杨绪红 龙瀛 周寅康 LIN Yinan JIN Xiaobin YANG Xuhong LONG Ying ZHOU Yinkang(School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China Natural Resources Research Center of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期488-506,共19页 Acta Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41340016)~~
关键词 建设用地 网格化 重建 近200年 江苏省 construction land grid reconstruction past 200 years Jiangsu Province
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