
母亲拒绝惩罚与6~9年级学生受欺负、社会能力的关系:性别角色类型的调节作用 被引量:6

The Effect of Maternal Rejection-punishment on Adolescent's Victimization and Social Competence:Gender-role as a Moderator
摘要 选取858名6~9年级上海学生为被试,采用自评和他评问卷探讨被试性别角色类型、受欺负和社会能力与母亲拒绝惩罚的关系。结果显示:(1)未分化型学生人数最多,其社会能力低于另两种类型;(2)性别角色类型在母亲拒绝惩罚预测学生受欺负和社会能力中起调节作用:母亲拒绝惩罚正向预测未分化型学生受欺负,负向预测其社会能力;母亲拒绝惩罚无法预测双性化和单性化型学生受欺负和社会能力。未分化型个体受到母亲拒绝惩罚是其学校适应问题的风险因素。 According to Bem's theory (1974), undifferentiated people (characterized as possessing both low masculinity and low feminine traits) were worse at coping with social life than people of other gender-role orientation. The adolescence is an important stage of gender-role development. Currently, there is little research on how gender-role orientation affects an adolescent's ability to cope with maternal negative parenting behavior. Undifferentiated adolescents might be more vulnerable to maternal rejection-punishment parenting than androgynous and sex-typed ones. The purpose of the study was to examine, in a sample of Shanghai suburban children, the distribution of adolescents' gender roles, and the moderating effects of the gender-role orientation on relations between maternal rejection-punishment and child development. 858 junior middle school students (boys = 446, girls = 412, M age = 13.76, SD = 1.16) from grade 6 to grade 9 were recruited from two suburban middle schools in Shanghai. Children were asked to nominate up to three classmates who could best play the role if they were to direct a class play. All of the bullied behavioral descriptors had 3 items which developed based on the Revised Class Play (RCP; Masten, Morison, & Pelligrini, 1985, adapted from Chen,1992) for Chinese children, and the item scores were standardized within the class to adjust for differences in the number of nominators. Students were also asked to complete questionnaires concerning their gender-role orientation edited by Rui (2008). Their mothers reported rejection- punishment parenting behaviors, using the Child Rearing Practices Report (CRPR) (Block, 1981); the head teacher in each class was asked to complete the Teacher -Child Rating Scale (T- CRS, based on Hightower et al., 1986) for each child in his or her class. Teachers were asked to rate on a 5-point scale how well each of the items described the child. The school-related social competencies were formed based on the 20 corresponding items. The total scores on each subscale were standardized within the class to control for the teacher's response style and to allow for appropriate comparisons. The Results showed that 38.10% of all adolescents were undifferentiated adolescents (X^2 = 26.27, p 〈 .001), 32.30% were androgynous, and 29.6% were sex-typed ones. Gender-role orientation played a role on social competence. Undifferentiated adolescents showed lower levels of social competence than androgynous and sex-typed ones. It was found that whereas undifferentiated gender-role strengthened the role of maternal rejection- punishment parenting in leading to victimization β=. 18, p 〈 .01) and low level Of social competence (β = -. 17, p 〈 .01 ), androgynous-role and sex- typed role didn't work between maternal rejection-punishment parenting and school adjustment. The results indicated the significance of the type of psychological gender as a vulnerability to victimization and low level of social competence in Chinese children..
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期360-366,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(16JJD840001) 上海市教育科学规划重点项目(A-9103-16-006006)的资助
关键词 母亲拒绝惩罚 受欺负 社会能力 性别角色 maternal rejection-punishment, victimization, social competence, gender-role
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