目的探讨血型不合夫妇中O型血孕妇IgG抗A(B)效价检测与新生儿溶血病(HDN)的关系。方法采用抗人球蛋白法检测2 119例夫妇ABO血型不合的O型孕妇的Rh-D阳性孕妇IgG抗A(B)效价,应用微柱凝胶法筛查其不规则抗体。观察抗体分布情况及抗体效价与新生儿溶血病的相关性。结果 2 119例O型血孕妇中IgG抗A(B)效价≥64者有538例,占25.39%。其中932例中IgG抗A效价≥64者占28.97%(270/932),711例IgG抗B效价≥64者占24.33%(173/711),476例IgG抗A B效价≥64者占19.96%(95/476)。追踪高效价孕妇(≥128者)所生新生儿确诊为HDN有33例,检出率为1.56%(33/2 119)。结论抗体效价<64者未发生HDN,≥128后发生率明显增高,故我们认为对于抗IgG抗A(B)抗体效价≥128者应干预治疗和定期检测,这对降低新生儿溶血病有着积极的意义。
Objective To investigate the relationship between IgG anti-A(B) titer of pregnant women with type O blood and hemolytic disease of newborn(HDN)in blood type incompatibility couples. Methods Antiglobulin method was used to detect IgG an ti-A(B) titer of 2 119 cases of pregnant women in type O pregnant couple with ABO-incompatible Rh-D positive blood. Also micro-column gel method was applied to screen the irregular antibody. Then the distribution condition of antibody was observed and the relationship between antibody titer and hemolytic disease of newborn was analyzed. Results Of 2 119 cases of type O blood pregnant women, the number of women with IgG anti-A(B) titer ≥64 was 538 cases,accounting for 25.39%. Among the 932 cases, the number of women ≥64 with IgG anti-A titer was accounted for 28.97%(270/932). The number of women with IgG anti-B titer≥64 was 711 cases accounted for 24.33%(173/711), while the IgG anti-AB titer≥64 in 476 cases was accounted for 19.96%(95/476). There were 33 cases high titer of pregnant women(≥128) whose neonates had confirmed HDN, and the detection rate was 1.56%(33/2 119). Conclusion HDN would not occurre when the pregnant women with antibody titer 〈64, while the women with antibody titer ≥128 has a high rate of hemolytic disease of newborn. Therefore, we believe that the pregnant women with anti-IgG anti-A(B) antibody titer ≥128 should have therapeutic intervention and regular detection, which has a positive significance for reducing the hemolytic disease of newborn.
Clinical Research and Practice