
奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗肝硬化合并上消化道出血的疗效观察 被引量:7

Therapeutic effect of octreotide combined with thrombin on cirrhosis complicated with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
摘要 目的探讨奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗肝硬化合并上消化道出血的疗效。方法取2015年6月~2016年6月于我院就医的肝硬化合并上消化道出血患者88例,通过动态化随机颜色球抽取的方法将其分为两组,分别给予奥曲肽、奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗,探讨两组患者治疗效果、临床各项指标的差异。结果观察组患者的治疗总有效率(95.45%)明显优于对照组患者(79.55%),且在临床各项指标的比较中,观察组患者的止血时间:(20.45±1.01)h、输血量:(205.47±41.54)mL、住院时间:(4.21±0.94)d]与对照组[止血时间:(28.64±2.11)h、输血量:(421.58±55.69)mL、住院时间:(6.66±1.01)d]比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗肝硬化合并上消化道出血具有一定的疗效。 Objective To explore the efficacy of octreotide combined with thrombin in the treatment of cirrhosis com- plicated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Methods A total of 88 patients with liver cirrhosis and upper gastroin- testinal hemorrhage from June 2015 to June 2016 were chosen and divided into two groups by dynamic random color ball extraction. The two groups were Ireated with octreotide and octreotide combined with thrombin respectively. The clinical efficacy and the differences in the clinical indicators in two groups were explored. Results The total therapic effective rate in !he observation gr0up(95.45%) was significantly better than that in the control group(79.55%).And in the clinical indicators compared,the results in the Observation group including hemostasis time (20.45±1.01)h, the amountof blood transfusion(205.47±41.54) mL, hospital stay(4.21±0.94)d were significantly different from the results in the control group including hemostasis time(28.64±2.11), the amount of blood transfusion(421.58±55.69) mL, hospi- talization stay(6.66±1.01) d, the differences were statistical significant(P〈0.05). Conclusion Octreotide Combined with thrombin in the treatment of cirrhosis with upper gastrointestinal bleeding has a certain effect.
作者 郁燕
出处 《中国现代医生》 2017年第3期95-97,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 奥曲肽 凝血酶 肝硬化 上消化道出血 Octreotide Thrombin Cirrhosis Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
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