中国政治文化研究的现状、存在问题及其产生原因是当前需要关注的重点。依托于CNKI中国期刊全文数据库,以科学意义上的政治文化为准绳,对1986―2015年有关政治文化研究的2 685篇期刊文献进行统计分析,结果表明,我国政治文化研究总体上历经"蓬勃发展"后呈现回落态势,主要存在对政治文化理解的含混泛化及研究重心的偏移问题。产生这种现状的主要原因是意识形态的广泛影响、中国政治学恢复建设中的研究不足、传统与专业思维方法的束缚等。政治学界应省思中国政治文化研究的现状,立足中国现实,突破思维束缚,以缓进累积的方式向政治科学意义上的政治文化研究靠拢。
Nowadays it is necessary to focus on the field of contemporary Chinese research of political culture,covering present status,existing problems and causes.Based on CJFD(Chinese Journal Full-text Database)by the standard of scientific research of political culture,a literature statistical analysis on political culture,ranging from 1986 to 2015,was conducted.Results indicate that Chinese research of political culture has started to fall in quantity after a period of"vigorous development".The major problems are ambiguous and generalized understanding of the concept and topic drift of the research.It can be attributed to several main causes,such as farreached influence of ideology,insufficient study during the period of discipline resumption and construction of Chinese politics,constraints by traditional and professional thinking and methods,etc.Chinese political scholars need to rethink the present status of Chinese research of political culture,basing upon Chinese realities,breaking up the shackles of thinking and strengthening the research in the meaning of modern political science in a slowly-accumulated way.
China XU Xin-shun ZHANG Ying-kin(School of Political Science and Public Administration, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China School of Political Science and Public Administration, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, Shandong, China)
Journal of Fujian Administration Institute